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Broads to Watch Out For!

Sex, love, and activism collide in this brassy program honoring the tough broads who paved the way for strong queer women to come! Tough dykes, WWII vets, Olympic champions, insatiable activist-organizers, randy retirees, and fierce mamis make for a truly ripe (and ready) shorts collection. Tenacious Dorothy, who kicked ass and took names, gives 11 Life Lessons from an Awesome Old Dyke. A World War II vet tells her story of living as a transwoman since 1976 in Flying Solo. Growing up poor, Chicana, and a lesbian in the mid-20th century, Nancy Valverde developed a defiance that has garnered her legendary status as Nancy from East Side Clover. In 1932 Stella Walsh was an Olympic champion sprinter. Decades later she was killed in a robbery, and her “ambiguous gender” was discovered. Protests, potlucks, and three-ways are just the “tip of the rice bowl” for five Asian American lesbians discussing Sex, Politics & Sticky Rice. A group of older lesbians watch tempers rise between a couple on the tennis court in Playing with Balls. In Cuba, lesbians who want to be mothers face extra challenges trying to realize their dreams, but Mamis reveals that there is often a way around the rules.

— Desiree Buford

Co-presented by:

Lavender Seniors of the East Bay

National Center for Lesbian Rights

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Running Time
75 mins
Copyright 2022 Frameline. All rights reservedSite by ED.

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