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Canyon Cinema’s Queer Underground

Canyon Cinema has been the preeminent distributor of independently produced non-narrative films for the past 30 years. Variously called avant-garde, underground and experimental, these queer artists' works share uncompromising visions of personal expression that are free from the demands of commercial film conventions.

The program begins with the love shaman’s call for a sexual revolution of the body politic urging mankind into a new love age in Shaman Psalm. Fireworks releases Kenneth Anger’s “explosive pyrotechnics of a dream,” while I, an Actress to the guts of a dramatic scene, an actress and her director. Confessions begins with Curt McDowell’s disclosure to his parents of every sex act in the book and unfolds with his infectious charm and sexuality. In Holding, Coni Beeson explores lesbian love inside and out, and constructed from 14 dreams hear your own voice narrate Gently Down the Stream. Share in a tender, loving, and unsentimental exchange in A Valentine for Nelson and witness a dairymaid who becomes “electrified” as she is called to churn butter in a dark forest in Devil’s Dairymaid.

Short films showing in this program:


16 mins

Just as outrageous as his most famous film Thundercrack! is Curt McDowell’s Confessions, in which McDowell, a graduate student at San Francisco Art Institute, opens his film with a confession to his parents, listing his sins of the flesh...


20 mins

A landmark of both experimental and queer filmmaking, Kenneth Anger’s film is a bizarre, disturbing dreamscape of violation, rape, and homoerotic sadomasochism.

Gently Down the Stream

14 mins

Gently Down the Stream is constructed from fourteen dreams taken from eight years' worth of my journals. The text is scratched directly on to the film so that you hear your own voice as you read. The accompanying images of women, water, animals, and saints were chosen for their indirect but potent correspondence to the text.

I, an Actress

10 mins

Student Barbara Lapsley had wanted a short film to launch her acting career, and the class at the San Francisco Art Institute obliged by staging a classic Hollywood screen test.

Shaman Psalm

8 mins

Taste the divine on the lips of lovers Savor the divine on the thighs of friends Cherish the divinity that explodes your orgasm Love one another and fly. The love shaman calls for a sexual revolution of the body politic urging mankind into a new love age.

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Running Time
88 mins
’60s/’70s Underground & Queer Cinema
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